Starting a business is not something that happens overnight. What takes the most time is idea formation. Some people brainstorm a lot to find that one perfect idea for their startup, while for some, ideas come naturally.
Our world is facing innumerable problems and so is India. the govt., private businesses and of course, the citizens. It becomes the responsibility of businesses as well to work for the betterment of the nation and its citizens. By finding out the problems and providing suitable solutions. Here are a few problems India is facing that require immediate attention. Some people can identify the problems of their own too. Solutions to these problems can result into creative niches for starting a business in India.
1. Epidemic Management
After experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic one thing is sure that we will have to face more such outbreaks and epidemics in the coming decades. We will have to fight several new diseases apart from the already problematic Dengue, Chikungunya, Tuberculosis, and HIV. Doing so will be problematic without a robust system in place to identify, isolate, and effectively treat any disease outbreak to check its transition into an epidemic.
Under epidemic management, some avenues that can be explored are solutions to detect the early onset of major diseases, setting up of small hospitals in remote areas, initiatives to increase awareness regarding sanitation and hygiene to name a few.
2. Animal Welfare
India has the potential to lead the world in animal welfare, but the tendency to look at the issue in a vacuum has prevented this movement from being taken seriously. Over 3500 captive elephants in India live in abysmal conditions. Pangolins, for instance, who are targeted mainly for their meat and scales, are the most trafficked mammal in the world. It is believed that since 2000, more than one million pangolins have been traded internationally. The cruelty that animals face in India is a major issue and there is a dire need to tackle this.
Even though the government has introduced schemes and initiatives to crackdown on malpractices adopted towards animals in the country, the private sector needs to step in too.
Under Animal welfare, some avenues that can be explored are solutions to track animals, ideas to predict and test the current state of animals, checking for diseases, ways to rescue animals who have been victims of cruelty and safety areas for rehabilitation.
3. Rising air pollution
Air pollution or any kind of pollution is a worldwide problem. It has become a menace for India as multiple Indian cities (Delhi, Gurgaon, Lucknow, etc) are regularly making it to the Top-10 most polluted cities in the world list. There is widespread pollution of water bodies for instance, the Yamuna river. This leads to a rise in chronic diseases as well. The burning of crop stubble in the winter season makes the air in North India unbreathable.
Under pollution, the avenues that can be explored are – the adoption of electric vehicles, ideas to enhance manufacturing processes and water filtration processes, alternatives to crop stubble burning.
4. Food Waste Management
Food wastage is a big problem around the world. In India, close to 194 million people go hungry in India every day. India ranks 103 among 119 countries in the Global Hunger Index.
Efforts are required to curb the wastage of food by setting up new storage facilities, efficient distribution and distributing surplus grains, fruits and vegetables.
Under food wastage, some of the avenues that can be explored are spreading awareness among farmers on good storage practices, providing efficient transportation and storage facilities, re-distributing leftover food from parties and events and setting up compost plants.
5. Safety of Women
India has been facing the challenge of women’s safety for decades now, yet there has been very less progress. India is one of the most dangerous countries for women, ahead of war-torn countries like Afghanistan and Syria.
Under women’s safety, some avenues that can be explored are – safety measures such as wearables that can inform the authorities or nearby people in case of an emergency, apps that can identify or track the aggressors and most importantly spreading awareness regarding women’s safety and harassment.
6. Financial Inclusion
In India, close to 190 million adults don’t have a bank account. India’s record of financial inclusion, despite the existence of a large and well-regulated financial system, is poor. Efforts for financial inclusion need to be made with a special emphasis on including the economically weaker sections.
Under financial inclusion, some avenues that can be explored are innovative solutions that can explain the benefits of a formal financial system to rural people in vernacular languages, ease in getting loans for farmers, ideas to incentivize and help individuals get connected to public banks and government schemes, efficient credit rating systems, etc.
Such initiatives will help people get access to a plethora of facilities such as insurance, subsidized loans, saving schemes, and investment opportunities.
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