On Tuesday 25th May 2021 Avalon’s community platform Scenes, announced that it raised an undisclosed amount in pre-series A funding round. This round was led by angel investors like Kunal Shah, Tanmay Bhat, Kalyan Krishnamurthy and Gaurav Munjal as well as investment giants like Better Capital, Whiteboard Capital, iSeed Ventures, Blume Ventures, and Tanglin Ventures.

The company stated that the fund raised will be used in further growth and development of the community platform.

Words from the investors – 

“Independent creator economy is a large and fast-growing market globally. We are super excited to be one of the early investors in Avalon Scenes and support Varun, Shashank and the rest of the Avalon Scenes team in building a full-stack community engagement platform for independent creators.”  – A spokesperson from Tanglin Ventures. 

“Scenes is squarely aligned with the massive inflexion point in the creator economy in India where millions of young Indians engage with creators to learn and grow. Scenes is building the infrastructure to unlock this potential and I am excited to have an opportunity to see it all unfold,” – Vaibhav Domkundwar of Better Capital.

About Scenes by Avalon – 

Scenes by Avalon is a Bengaluru-based startup which hosts a chat and voice service to create a community of like minded people, and make them meet and hangout with each other. It will be evolving into a full fledged engagement suite for the community.

The user base of the platform is increasing rapidly, it has been increasing 70-80 percent every month in both MAUs and DAUs. It was launched in March 2021.

Avalon has become one of the largest and most interactive communities for education on social media, it was launched in 2018. It has gathered a community of more than two lakhs users across digital platforms and its Discord server has 50,000 users alone.

Avalon decided to extend the reach and meet the demands of the audience and created Scenes, a platform that serves the community of all shapes and sizes. Now the Scene application is available on Android and iOS.

Words from the CEO – 

Varun Mayya, Founder and CEO of Avalon – 

“We’re excited for the audience to experience Scenes and its features on Android. With a little bit of sunshine, the right soil, water and loads of love, we grew into one of India’s largest and most engaged educational communities. We decided to build our own platform, aka Scenes by Avalon. It has already surpassed 5 million voice minutes since its launch in March 2021, and has 30,000 users and 1,000+ live communities. Now, with the support of our investors, Scenes will change the future of the community platform industry.”

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